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Friday, October 20, 2023

Like Clockwork - The Tock Tick Time

 Like Clockwork - SS - The Tock Tick Time




BONG GONG wizzzz …QIIII... Zitzz Gonnnng Boing 


“What the heck was that?” I asked, pausing my meal at the irritating sounds emanating loudly near the inn I was staying at; it was mind grindingly terrible.

Sir Edwin! Paul Alan Edwin Sir!” A voice cut through my thoughts.

“What is it!?!” I asked, it took me a second before recognizing it as the fake name I was currently under, still I had to breath in and out to calm myself. The noise irritated me enough that I didn't, no I hadn’t realized they were speaking to me. 

“Your stew is ready. If you're wondering about the racket it’s just the old clock tower,” The homely old inn keeper replied as she passed out the stew I had ordered. She had told me her name earlier but I had already forgotten and honestly didn’t care enough to ask again. “It’s been like that since I was a wee lass, though back then it looked  nicer but no one’s lived in that manor for years.” 

Looking at the window it was obvious which manor she was talking about, the decrepit clock tower on the cliff overwatching the village repeated what sounded like death throes to me five more times before finally stopping. I was a little surprised that it managed to keep track though since it was roughly 6 if the setting sun was any indication.

“Why don’t you get it fixed?” I sighed in relief as it finally stopped. 

“I don’t own that property, Not sure but I don't think anyone that still lives here does?” She nattered on, likely the town's gossip point, though given how small the village was and this being the only inn that was a given. “Honestly I think that place is cursed, No one ever goes in or out but the lights still turn on occasionally. You're welcome to try but I’m not going anywhere near it if I can help it. No siree.” 

“Tsk, I didn’t hear it earlier or I would have just tried to make it to the next village,” I rubbed. Admittedly I was in a rush and had only stopped in this backwater village so as to not have to camp in the woods. “Does it only ring at certain times?” 

“Usually only at noon and dinner, so it’s never been an inconvenience outside of the weird sounds it makes.” She answered before leaving to serve the other peasants or merchants.

“I’ll just make sure to leave before then.” I said out loud to no one in particular. Six rings grinded at my nerves, Twelve I wasn’t sure I could manage without murdering someone. Still this was just a rest stop for the night, I would be gone in the morning. Afterall I didn’t need to add more bodies to my trail just yet.


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