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Saturday, December 2, 2017

Like Clockwork - Maid by the Minute

“Be right there!” Kenny shouted as he heard the chime of the doorbell, indicating that someone had entered his shop. The upper middle aged man put down the clock he had been fixing before walking towards the front counter. What he saw caused his jaws to drop as he stared at the beauty of the hourglass woman in front of him. He recognized her instantly, after all what clock maker wouldn’t.
    “Kenny Schuit,” Lady Lavini said with gravitas in her melodious voice. “We have a quest for you.” Up close, the hourglass priestess’ beauty left him almost speechless. It didn’t help that she was soon joined by two other priestesses and seeing the three side by side up close was a surreal sight. There was Akita, whose tight body suit left little to the imagination, even if the lit up numbers were bit disconcerting. Then there was Bridget, the metallic ballerina priestess who moved like a clockwork doll, yet still graceful as any dancer. He often had wondered how their bodies worked. What DID the boobs... err… numbers in Akita’s chest even mean? And why did Bridget’s cog skirt spin around her booty… er.. body?

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