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Sunday, April 11, 2021

Like Clockwork - Alarming One's Fans

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Like Clockwork - Sidestory - Sunlight Storing Chimes

Like Clockwork - Sidestory - Sunlight Storing Chimes


“Please tell me this petition is a joke,” Bridget said as she handed the letter she was reading to Lavini before pausing to rubbed her temples, her gears twirling a little to release some of the pressure.

“Sadly, it is not,” Lavini said. She couldn’t help but smirk at Bridgets flabbergasted tone as she read the letter. The pair had been going through the church's daily mail and weird requests weren’t anything new to them but occasionally, there were the ones that surprised even them.

“So the farmer honestly wants us to implement a regional hour time shift just so he has enough time to make the QTZ concerts after work,” Bridget dead panned, sounding slightly exasperated at the how inane some of the requests they got were.

“I must say, Daylight Savings Time is a rather catchy phrase, is it not? It could be a useful designation if we ever needed to do such a thing,” Lavini replied, ever the face of ladylike tranquility and forethought. “Not that we should ever need to.”

“Why not just change their own schedule? Makes more logical sense then expecting us to force everyone else into a temporal change or asking QTZ to start later,” Bridget groaned. She tried her best to drown out all the thoughts of the technical details something like that would even begin to require. 

“Knowing their fans, I am certain that he has already asked them to start later. Thank the goddess they manage their own fan mail,” Lavini said. She shook her head while looking at the other pile of mail next to the auto sorter machine. QTZ’s mail stack was anywhere between 10 to 1000 times larger than the official church mail bin depending on how recent their last concert was. While they had proven to be a major financial and popular boon, not everyone was interested for the right reasons.

“Do they really? I saw Rose eating her mail the other day at dinner,” Bridget said as she took the letter back from Lavini. “She said something about consuming the information being faster that way.”

“Is it that different from Akita digitizing them and absorbing the bytes? Sometimes our analog methods might just be old fashioned,” Lavini shrugged as she grabbed the next letter from the pile.

“Hmm… I guess not. Actually, you know what? It’s their fan. They can handle it however they please!” Bridget smiled at her resolution, placing the letter in QTZ’s bin. “Just add it to their fanclub outreach program or whatever Cassie was calling it. After all, we don’t want any more perverts sneaking around after hours.”

“Whatever happened to that one,” Lavini paused in thought. It had been relatively recently but thankfully she hadn’t been involved with that whole mess. Cassie had been rather tight lipped about it, though her blush spoke another story.

“I don’t know. The time schedule is being rewritten for that. Pure said something about them being far too lewd,” Bridget shrugged as the pair went back to work.


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